Acquainted with the Night - Tymber Dalton I didn't expect to cry reading this. This is the only story I've ever read so far where I had actual tears falling down my cheeks as I read, where I had to set aside the book and take a breather before I broke down sobbing. Yes, this book started off as pure erotica. So I was totally not prepared for the shift in tone and emotions halfway through the story, feeling the full depth of the emotions and just plain LOVE that existed between Mark and Dale. Between them and their Master, between Cooper and Nate, between every single one of them.

This book probably affected me so strongly because I'm at a particular time in my life where I can fully relate to the love and losses that Dale goes through. What really all of us can relate to. I went into this story thinking it would be a light, harmless, erotic read, something to pass the hours; I didn't expect the level of emotions this story evoked in me.
I hate and love this book-Hate that I was led into believing this would just be a brainless, fun, erotic read. Love how it turned out to be so much more than that. Now I'll have to find a light read to take my mind off all that I felt when I read the ending. But the characters in this book, their relationships, the love, will stay with me for a long time.
Read this.