
Welcome! This will primarily be a LGBT and M/M only book zone. With lots of sprinkles of YA! :) I also occasionally enjoy paranormal and urban fantasy MF series as well. 

If we share similar tastes, friend me on GR here:

Don't Worry Baby - kalpurna Aw, that was hot and sweet. Though I admit Derek's baby obsession was a bit weird.
I have yet to find a Sterek fic I -don't- like. :)
Don't Worry Baby - kalpurna Aw, that was hot and sweet. Though I admit Derek's baby obsession was a bit weird.
I have yet to find a Sterek fic I -don't- like. :)
Death of a Pirate King - Josh Lanyon Oh my gosh, my heart is still fluttering from that ending. Almost cried. I've said it for the previous books, but THIS is truly the best book in the series. I especially LOVED Josh Lanyon's writing in this one... such beautiful prose, I had to stop and re-read certain sections all over again. Sigh....Jake and Adrien. You guys have twisted my heart again and again.
When You Were Pixels (Syntax #0.1) - Julio-Alexi Genao So I came late to the party for this. I already knew from all the glowing praise that this is a story that is something special. So I deliberately put off reading this, don't ask me why, maybe saving the best for last?

There are already countless eloquent reviews for this so I won't keep flailing around trying to come up with an adequate review. What I can say is that these short and sparse words managed to move me. Hit me in a very, very dark and not so small place within me right now.

Don't let the tags put you off and don't make the mistake I did by putting this off for later. I'm actually content with the story ending here, but I'm also glad to know the author's planning on continuing the story.
The Hell You Say - Josh Lanyon Lost my review...*dazed*

Maybe this is a sign I should stop reading and get back to studying.
Fatal Shadows - Josh Lanyon Re-read! First time, I rated this a 2 stars (but the rest of the series were 4-5 stars). I'm upping this to 3 stars even though I had the same issues. This is easily the weakest book in the series, waay too focused on the mystery, which wasn't interesting for me. I found it just plain boring. I would have dropped the series if I hadn't already been informed that book 2 is when things get going with Jake and Adrien. And the rest is history, as they say. Thankfully, if I can remember, the rest of the books aren't so heavy on the mysteries (which do get more interesting at least) and I think the whole book club was never mentioned again (a good thing, since I just found those characters a waste of page time). For appearing so very little in this book, Jake was the reason I pushed through this book and because I already knew the rollercoaster of emotion that would start very soon. He is an enigma in this book, having very little page time, before developing into one of the most infuriating and complex characters later on....So I made sure to appreciate this calm before the storm. x) I have the second book at hand (which I remember was my favorite book in the series...along with 3, 4, and 5) and I'm ready to surge on! :x
The Place Where They Cried - Rose Christo There is no doubt that this is one of the most romantic stories I've ever come across. It's beautifully told, and long, so you watch them grow up and change over several years. Coy, red-haired Gives Grain and hardened Middle Road Maker have carved a place inside my heart. And this is why I am DNF-ing for now. I'd like to let them live undisturbed together in my head for a little longer, knowing what more is in store for them. This book covers roughly 30 years from the Native American perspective, encompassing the Pony Express War and all the carnage and massacres that continued to follow and plague them. If all your knowledge only came from the measly couple paragraphs from your history textbook, this will be an awakening for you. But the love, the characters, and the culture just leaps off these pages.

And if you're not already familiar with Rose Christo's writings, I wholeheartedly encourage you to start with her [b:Gives Light|15810499|Gives Light (Gives Light, #1)|Rose Christo||21535494] series so you can experience falling in love with her characters yourself.

Finished. Someday I'll try to write a proper review for this, right now my heart just feels broken. I became sort of numb in the last few pages. If you're feeling brave today, I would urge you to read this. It's painful, oh it is, tears were streaming down my face in the end. This is a part of history that has been much buried and overlooked. But what I choose to take away from this is the sheer LOVE between Gives Grain and Middle Road Maker, between them and their extended adopted family over the years, Little Light, Red Clay, Forgiver, Lost many more that all came alive for me and who I grew to know so incredibly well. Love, laughter, joy, terror, grief, hope, family...I felt as I had experienced everything alongside them.
Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts - Lyn Gala Yay, this had everything I'm looking for in a captured/slave-fic and sci-fi setting. It was fun, a good length, and I enjoyed the dynamics in their relationship!
Definitely checking out her other works.

*** 8/4/13: Re-read! Stil remains my second favorite mm sci-fi.
Gives Light (Gives Light, #1) - Rose Christo A beautiful and poignant story of two boys whose lives have been intertwined before they even met by one horrific event....Skylar, a lonely sweet boy who lost his mother and his voice to a serial killer 11 years ago....and Rafael, the son of the killer.

When Skylar's father suddenly disappears, Skylar is taken to live with his grandmother on the Indian reservation. At first left alone and treated warily by everyone for being the only White, Skylar very slowly begins to open up and find his first friend in Annie. But it is Rafael, with his scowls and guarded demeanor as well as his drawings for the victims of his father's madness, who Skylar finds himself curious to know more about.

Rafael and Skylar's blossoming friendship is achingly sweet to see, as Skylar coaxes Rafael free from the stigma of his father's legacy. For Skylar, he has found in Rafael someone who can hear and anticipate his thoughts and feelings despite the fact that he cannot voice them. Friendship turns into a deep bond and love, as both boys become the other's savior and light.

This book was a pleasure to read from start to finish. Skylar is one of the most endearing narrators, and Rafael's tentative attempts at affection and obvious protectiveness and cherishing of Skylar underneath his gruff exterior kept a smile on my face.

This is a very slow-paced and long read, which would usually frustrate me and others who are looking for excitement and action, but I was drawn into Skylar's awakening and new world on the reservation so I enjoyed every moment.

I fell in love with the writing, the characters, and the exploration of such a rich and colorful culture. Definitely can't wait to get my hands on the rest of this trilogy!
Dancing on Coals - Ellen O'Connell So this is really different from my usual reads.
I felt an overwhelming sadness when finishing this. The ending was happy but also idealistic, because you know things would have ended differently if it followed true history. They would have had to live a much harder and deprived life. But Gaetan and Katherine's story was still inspiring and a little beautiful. This is an extremely slow-paced story, but my most favorite stories tend to be that way. Katherine was a headstrong, capable heroine and of course I loved Gaetan, a man of few words but harboring a deep rage and anger. I did sort of had a hard time believing in the amount of time that seemed to pass sometimes, but it was easy to overlook my niggles and just let myself enjoy the story.
This also left me with a desire to go read some of Rose Christo's stories, for another look into this piece of history~
With The Band - L.A. Witt This "story" got bogged down in too much sex...=_= These two meet and fall in some heavy insta-lust and yes, they have some killer chemistry and the love scenes were hot and well done. So if you're looking for a story with some hot musicians and a lot of smutty action, dive in. For me, I got bored of just seeing them constantly obsess over each other and planning the next time they can hook up secretly behind the band's back. They don't even seem to care much about their band's success. The crazy stalker ex-girlfriend plot also left me very unimpressed :l I pretty much skimmed past the 60% mark. I've read more well-rounded and better reads from L.A. Witt and more interesting rocker-musician type stories, so this is 2.75 stars mainly for the beginning.
As You Are - Ethan Day 2.5 stars~
I read this almost a week ago and I've already forgotten the names. The LI was shown as a jerk for a little too long, though his reasons for acting that way did make sense to me. Still, I wished the MC gave him a harder time for the dick move he pulled bringing home (to the apartment they both live in) some club twink the day after they finally sleep together . In the end, I was halfheartedly rooting for the MC-(Julian, I think his name was!) to just move out because I still wasn't quite seeing what made him fall so in love with the other guy for over a year. As always with Ethan Day's stories, I did really enjoy the MC's voice. But the romance just didn't work for me. My top Ethan Day favorites still remain Piper's Island, A Token of Time and Second Chances, and unfortunately this one doesn't come anywhere near them.

The Jester (Loaded March, #4)

The Jester (Loaded March, #4) - Footloose I
The Foxhole Court - Nora Sakavic In the madness of finals this week and next I have been reading this in snatches on my phone. For now, all I have to say is that I think I might have finally found a new online series that really interests me since the aftermath of ICoS.

Also, it seems like the psycopaths always seem to become my favorite characters in the stories I read. :x I have no idea where the story is heading at all and that's part of the fun. Things seem to be heading more into the dark and gritty direction and can't wait to start the sequel. No romance yet but I gather that will come into play in the next book, and I know who I've got my eye on. I am sensing I am about to embark on a rollercoaster....fingers crossed!
Epimeliad - Adara O’Hare This was a cute and sweet read with some clever use of Greek myths. I love reading about soul mates and/or mate bonds so that was an added bonus for me. x) Up a star for hitting a guilty pleasure spot of mine. I was a bit slow on the uptake at the ending (I blame my weekend and all night studying sessions!) which I thought was really odd at first, but I soon got it! And then I loved it, but I really wouldn't mind some sort of sequel or spin-off...just saying :) I loved Argo.

Epimeliad - Adara O’Hare This was a cute and sweet read with some clever use of Greek myths. I love reading about soul mates and/or mate bonds so that was an added bonus for me. x) Up a star for hitting a guilty pleasure spot of mine. I was a bit slow on the uptake at the ending (I blame my weekend and all night studying sessions!) which I thought was really odd at first, but I soon got it! And then I loved it, but I really wouldn't mind some sort of sequel or spin-off...just saying :) I loved Argo.

Currently reading

Storm Constantine
Progress: 23/800 pages
Laura Lam
Progress: 20 %
Marie Sexton
In These Words, Volume 1
Kichiku Neko, TogaQ
The Morning Star (Shadow of the Templar, #1)
M. Chandler