It was eye-opening, learning about the treatment of Native American children by the government. For that, I give a lot of credit to the author for choosing to tackle such a serious topic and raise awareness about the prejudices and injustices Native Americans face.
The main conflict of the story was John's fight to gain back custody over his niece and nephew, but it also focuses on the progression between him and the MC, Jerry. Jerry and John's romance is not angsty, they both already know they are in it for the long haul, a nice change from the books I've been reading. Grey does a great job blending the sweet and sugary with the hot and steamy.
If I have any complaints, it is that I wished the author went more in depth into John's character and his heritage/family. I feel as if the author only scratched the surface, particularly with Jerry, whose mysterious past and ex-boyfriend was mentioned, but nothing ever came of it. Jerry and John are fairly uncomplicated characters, and this isn't the type of read that's riveting or makes you sit on the edge of your seat, but I still recommend this when you want a story that leaves you smiling and feeling good.